Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Fruitful Increase

A common sight in the historic Bighorn Basin is the vast expanses of scattered crop. Acres upon acres of growth and livelihood. Flora, fauna, and farmers are resurrected in the spring. Along with the tractors and grain carts that travel the old highways like worker ants. The atmosphere is filled with dust and dedication from the continual plowing and planting. One cannot spend any length of time here and not notice this essential trend. And as my tenure in the Basin has stretched, I have come to realize how telling this annual story truly us.

The Basin is a product of tested pioneer patterns. However, it continues to tell a unique and ancient pattern that is relevant to us, in our own life. The pattern of change, and growth is told so beautifully in the tapestry of the frontier. And so as we pioneer our own tested testimonies, let's be careful to see that "...all things denote there is a God" - Alma 30:44
In order to have fruitful increase, a farmer must prepare his field in a multitude of ways:
-He must till and plow to loosen the dirt for planting, and to break apart weeds that prevent growth. Preparatory to adding neccessary nutrients into the soil, and preparing for needed moisture
-He might even burn his field, to improve the overall health and remove old growth. Removing pests that seem to destroy so much almost invisibly.
-He will sow good seeds packed with promise. With patience and persistence he will nurture every individual seed until it has reached its potential
How identifiable all of this really is!
In order to have a fruitful increase, a beloved child of God must prepare his proverbial "field" in a multitude of ways:
- He must anxiously prepare his life in a way that prepares himself to receive the "gospel seed". He must move a rock here, add some fertilizer and attention there. Measure and manage every square inch of his life to get his mortal meadow ready for much needed change
- He must purge his life of the numerous worldly weeds that hold him back. An engulfing fire, know as repentance, must be stoked and fed in his life. Yes, from the view of the passing by, it may seem hindering, but if only they knew how enabling this process truly is!
- And finally, he must plant his seed. "Yea, even that ye would have so much faith as even to plant the word in your hearts, that ye may try the experiment of its goodness" -Alma 34:4 He needs to establish good roots in his heart, deeply. So that non else can take their place.
The pattern is set before us. There is simply no other way. All 3 must take action in our lives to see growth. A farmer could sow seeds on an uncultivated field, brimming with weeds, but this would end in vain. Or work vigorously to prepare his field for planting, but sow bad seeds, or no seeds at all. So it is with all of us. We need to nurture our spiritual saplings and see them to the end. We must realize that all 3 have their equal part in the pattern of personal progress.
However, the most striking part of this account, is about the hands that empower such change.
Such hands seem to take a backseat, unseen by the yield of the crop. But as I shake calloused hands every Sunday, I'm reminded of a breathtaking eternal truth. The hands that labor diligently to provide growth and progression, are not pretty. It takes work. Hours upon hours, days, months and years are spent toiling for the benefit of becoming. The required amount of effort is truly daunting...
However, we can take comfort in knowing that they are careful hands, hands that know what they are doing. Hands that have seen droughts and storms, failures and disappointment. "But because the Lord loved you...hath the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you" - Deuteronomy 7:8
It is not an easy nor pretty routine. But it is a redemptive one. Pain and work is the process, but profit is the product. I am so grateful for the many chances the Lord has given me to regrow my roots in rich gospel soil. All through the rains may come and wash me out, I know that there are careful hands ready to replant me!
"How comforting it is to know that God will take us by the hand and lift us to new levels of attitude and achievement if we will but let Him!" - Marvin J Ashton

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