Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Monday, May 24, 2021

Brandin for Jesus


What's poppin' cowboys🤠 This week is packed with adventure! 

The biggest highlight of the week has to be BRANDIN. We had the privilege to go out in the foggy foothills of the Bighorns and brand roughly 300 calves Saturday. It was a blast! I got to sit in the chute and hold all the steers legs as they were getting castrated. I was in the strike zone! There was some big ole steers! The ranch was right underneath the "Wyoming W" as I call it (you can kind of see it in the photo, stupid fog) the mountains make a cool little W that looks over the whole basin, kinda neat right? Just a grand ole time, It was great to relive some childhood memories and get covered in manure lol

We also had exchanges with the ZLs, so I got to go up to Powell and have some fun up there. Also had Zone conference which is always super nice. Always good to get reenergized and refocused! Panda is a nice lil' cherry on top...

And yeah, just have had a lot of meetings and working on ads/FB. Really freaking tough to multitask 5 wards, training, and ads/mission wide trainings, but we are figuring it out! Should be a good time!

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