Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Monday, March 1, 2021

Where the Deer and the Antelope Play


What is up gamers! This week has been interesting! We've got some tree cutting, brownie delivering, roadtripping shenanigans up ahead⚠️

This week has honestly been a slower one. We have had a couple of mission wide meetings which has slowed Elder Lee and I down a bit:( We had interviews with prez, which pushed a lot of things back. A lot of peeps just cancelled on us as well... We were still able to find some success delivering brownies(honestly the most effective finding tool, take notes friends) and had a couple of lessons, but it just wasn't the same level as other weeks

We did cut down a tree in the freezing Wyoming wind for a couple of hours. Moved some hay around, and saw probably concourses of deer and pronghorns. Couple of roadtrips to Worland. Played with multiple doggos, just gucci times out here in Wyoming...

This next week will be lit as we have zone conference in Billings!!! I will be back in civilization, with its $2 bread and actual restaurants(not just a ghetto A&W here in Greybull) Maybe even a roadtrip to the tropical paradise of Thermopolis on top of that, who knows! Have a gucci week yall💛

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