Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Monday, March 8, 2021

Birdwatching for the Lord


What is up peeps! This week has literally been insane! Stay tuned for all of the good news!

We start off our week with a lil' roadtrip down to the thriving city that is Thermopolis Wyoming. We went down for exchanges with the other elders in our district. Went to the hotsprings, bought some hot sauce, and watched some buffalo! Twas good times for sure.

Then on Wednesday we went up to the motherland (Billings) for Zone Conference. Had a dope road trip, met up with some old friends, and got spiritually uplifted. Said goodbye to Elder Shipman and Fonua, got some Panda, and had Zone council in Lovell after. This was a lit day for sure🤑

Then the rest of our days were pretty random, helped the sisters move in Worland, went birdwatching to kill time before a lesson(legit saw like 4 owls) almost hit Racoons, skunks, and pheasants everywhere we go. Had like 7 hours of straight church. Just good times out here in Wyo

And yeah, doing missionary work. Got our first door slam (our mans didn't want brownies😤) just finding and teaching out here. Should have bigs things coming soon🤞 Lots of work to be done in the Greybull mission, we also have transfers next week so stay tuned👀

"I am the font of authority in the church" -Elder Z

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