Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Friday, January 10, 2020

The watch tan is real

Hola mi amigos! things have been crazy here in the CCM! It is actually getting kinda cold here in the mornings and at night, we can actually see our breath! We also are slowly seeing more and more cockroaches, which is kinda interesting. And on Tuesday the west mountain was completely on fire, and the next day on the east mountain a massive explosion would go off every 5 minutes, and they were not fireworks. But other than that things have been pretty tame around here, just a lot of teaching in broken Spanish and studying.

Beach volleyball has sadly moved from Elder Marine and I's favorite activity to our second favorite, Tanning while reading the Book of Mormon has swiftly moved to first place. It is awesome having an hour of just reading the Book of Mormon, it can make any bad day amazing!

Not much happens other than just learning Spanish, it's coming along for me, I still can't really hold my own in a conversation, but it is good enough to play the part of a disinterested investigator. We've all memorized the first vision, baptismal invitation, Moroni 10: 5, and the missionary purpose under one week, so hopefully by the end we will all be fluent.

My district has become a quartet of singers, we are constantly singing anywhere we go, We'll sing ring of fire, soulja boi, just whatever we are feeling, I feel like most people hate us because of it, but they just can't match our energy, so that's their problem. Also, after diligently searching, we have found a water cooler that actually has cold water, and that truly has saved our souls.

That is about it, a lot of tanning and volleyball, learning spanish, and cleaning, they really put us to work here.

I also want to share a quick scripture, Alma 36: 27. I found this recently in my study, and I really enjoyed it. No matter what we go through, our struggles, our worries, we can overcome. We have to dig ourselves out the way we did many times before, And we know that God will deliver us again and again. Never lose hope, never lose faith, never lose your trust in him.

I don't have any photos this week unfortunately, still trying to figure that out :(

Love Yall!

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