Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Friday, January 17, 2020

Elder Marine has survived the red chicken!

Da Bois

Things have been great here in the CCM! It is absolutely insane how crazy busy we are here! we've been doing a lot of language study, We are starting to eat, breath, and sleep spanish. Mi maestro hermano Galindo has given us a challenge where every time you speak in english, you have to do 10 squats, and lets just say that I have been very sore the past couple of days. We are also starting to teach longer lessons in just spanish, where our teachers pretend to be investigators (and they do an incredible job) and we have to teach them a couple of lessons and hopefully get them to baptism. Mi espanol es no bueno, but my teachers forgive me and let me speak in english a little bit. In english I can give a killer lesson, but in Spanish, not so much lol.

The food here continues to surprise me, I've been losing some weight because you can't eat to much food here, however elder Marine, he's a different story. See elder Marine, for some reason, eats 4 courses every meal, he eats so much! it can be a mystery meat, thats raw, and he will eat it. He took it to the next step by eating the red chicken the other day. The first thing they tell you when you get to the ccm is to not eat the red chicken, they even give you a scripture for reference, Jeremiah 4: 19. He ate 2 platefuls, I was worried for his life, the red chicken will make you sick and give you the "siempras" as we call it here. However, he has somehow survived, some would even say thrived here since then. So that was a big relief, I was scared I was going to be companionless.

Other than that not much has happened, my room has quite the shenanigans, a quote from last night was "let's have a dragon competition" We are quite loud and our whole casa hates us, pero estabien. I have learned the latino handshake, so I'm practically fluent. Just a lot of sand volleyball still, trips to la tienda, and spanish. Hopefully my district will be going to the temple next week so I will let yall know how that goes.

Alma 36: 21

Photos of the week by Elder Marine:

My favorite thing to draw here

Muy Bonita Flor

Da Birds

Our Daily View