Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Last Best Place

I PROMISE I didn't mean to leave yall in the dust, My P-Day got switched(again)🤧

Whelp. This is it. It all is quite honestly sureal. 

If you looked me in eyes 2 years ago and told me where I would be in life. The things I would have learned and done, and the emotions and gratitude I would feel this seemingly insignificant week in December, I would have been lost in awe at what you spoke. I would be speechless...

This short, well spent period in life means everything to me. 

We had a great week per usual, there is no such thing as a bad day. We had a great lesson where we were able to meet 2 new friends and start teaching them. Kyle and Kayli from Florida. They just moved here and the Lord directed us all together. We spoke in church and some of our friends came! We even got to milk some cows for a final Wyoming goodbye :) 

I sat at the top of the chapel in sacrament just in tears. A wave of emotion came over me as I was sitting in a beautiful wooden chapel, as a beautiful organ solo filled the curved walls, and as I looked over my dear friends one last time. I hate to see it go. Nothing compares to serving along the saints in the Last Best Place. I wish words could convey the love I have for the people of Wyoming and Montana, and I owe a lot to their charity and love.

I have a lot to learn still, and a lot left to accomplish. But I've learned that as we are humble, obedient, and do things because we love the Lord; He will bless us with all that He has, and our will can become His will. The Lord has been with me every step of the way, He truly loves His children, and He loves us too much to leave us as we now are. 

Frankly a weekly email is too shallow to convey the words and thoughts I have, I would love it if you came to hear me share my experiences at church!

It'll be Sunday the 26th at 11:30!

I may even Crack some jokes👀 there will be food and a good time after at my home 😁 

Love you all, see you soon!

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