Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Monday, September 13, 2021

Black Bear #2


Da Homiez

Aight, we really out here😎

This week has been flipping fantastic, stay tuned for the ride...

We start with good ole Pday. I've missed having district Pdays regularly. We played some ultimate frisbee and spike ball, and just had a good time! 

We've been able to connect with a few people and have some lessons, starting to build some connections here in the wards and build our teaching pool! We've also had a ton of meetings with social media and what not. Kinda lame, but it is what it is🤷‍♂️

We also had a mission tour! With Elder Gifford Nielson and Elder Alfred Kyungu! It was awesome to drive down to Helena for the conference (even saw a black bear and a herd of Elk👀) They shared some amazing spiritual insights that got us all fired up!

That's pretty much it folks, I love the wards here! There are just some amazing people that are already close friends. There is no where else I would rather be🥰

100 Days Celebration

Garden City Golden Hour

Zoo Town

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