Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
MΓ©xico Ciudad JuΓ‘rez Mission

Monday, September 27, 2021

It's Strictly Business

Da District

 Alright yall, we got an interesting one right here...

Jk, it was kind of a mundane week. We had some lessons and some service, but nothing supeerrrrrrr crazy🀷‍♂️

We did have a really interesting dinner the other day, it was with a part member family. The dad was from Egypt and asked us a lot of interesting questions haha. He was straight out of the Godfather, gold jewelry, catholic, thick accent, and old. He treated us like business men and was actually really nice, but we were careful not to say the wrong thing haha

Bdubz Run

I love meals with members so much. There are just some really down to earth people here that are a blast to be around. Hard to feel like work when it's a good time. We should be teaching 2 new people here soon as well that are ready to really progress🀞 Just gotta line up some schedules!

But yeah, kinda a lit week. Made some more ads, sanded an entire deck, helped people move, general conference is here, and fun times with the district! Just a bunch of blessings!!!

Ole Study Spot

Monday, September 20, 2021

I've got to get normaler


Da Elders

Yep. You guessed it

Another fuego week from your fav Elder

This week has been awesome! We've had some really good visits this past week.πŸ‘ We got some lessons lined up and a couple of progressing friendsπŸ‘€ the work has been slow but we getting it moving out here in Missoula! 


We had exchanges this past week with Elder Keller! Good times for sure. And we got to do some SERVICE. Being in the city, I have missed that so much. We demolished a shed and I got to wear my boots againπŸ₯° 

We have been getting the work in out here. We do workouts with some ROTC guys here in Missoula in the mornings, and I'm dead. Worst way to start the morning, I don't recommend it

Honestly, not much to write about other than the work(that's probably a good thing) we got some crumble, I ate at a really fancy Italian place, had some lessons, almost hit a deer, moved a fridge, just the usual🀷‍♂️

That's kinda it from ya boi, I hope yall have a splendid week. Keep the commandments, party hard🀟

BoM collab w Sis Hixon

ZC meme


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Choose Joy!


In this day uncertainty and chaos move like clockwork. There is such prevalent pain. It takes so much to just sit still and feel peace and joy in a wavering world...
I certainly have felt this way, many times I have asked myself "Where can I turn for peace?"
Emphatically, we have an easy answer:
"Just as the Savior offers peace that “passeth all understanding,” He also offers an intensity, depth, and breadth of joy that defy human logic or mortal comprehension." - President Russell M Nelson
He offers, He does not force!
We have to choose to obtain his Joy. It is a conscious choice!
I'm grateful I am at a point in life where I can straightway choose JOY!
I have certainly come to know this truth as I have drawn closer to the Lord, and as I strive to follow his will
Knowing this, think of ways you can claim His peace and Joy TODAY
"Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy." - 2 Nephi 2:25

Monday, September 13, 2021

Mission Tour with Elder Gifford and Elder Alfred Kyungu

Sister Wall and Elder Poulsen

Black Bear #2


Da Homiez

Aight, we really out here😎

This week has been flipping fantastic, stay tuned for the ride...

We start with good ole Pday. I've missed having district Pdays regularly. We played some ultimate frisbee and spike ball, and just had a good time! 

We've been able to connect with a few people and have some lessons, starting to build some connections here in the wards and build our teaching pool! We've also had a ton of meetings with social media and what not. Kinda lame, but it is what it is🀷‍♂️

We also had a mission tour! With Elder Gifford Nielson and Elder Alfred Kyungu! It was awesome to drive down to Helena for the conference (even saw a black bear and a herd of ElkπŸ‘€) They shared some amazing spiritual insights that got us all fired up!

That's pretty much it folks, I love the wards here! There are just some amazing people that are already close friends. There is no where else I would rather beπŸ₯°

100 Days Celebration

Garden City Golden Hour

Zoo Town

Monday, September 6, 2021



This week has been a roller coaster! We sadly ended our time out in Three Forks and Ennis... I'm honestly sad I didn't get to spend more time there. There was such great members and a lot of work, but we be having new beginnings out here in Missoula!

To wrap up out there we went to a cool lil dam, and basically packed up, did some missionary work, and said goodbye. Then I got to Missoula on Thursday!

It was a weird first couple of days ngl, Instead of being comps with Elder Ott, I got Elder Kennedy due to a transfer mistake (don't worry, he's a chiller too) and not much has been happening in these areas. We cover literally half of Missoula which is really nice. And the ward members are studs out here! 

It is definitely different going from a town of 900 people to 60,000+, I hate driving now, but I also have Walmart againπŸ‘€ Overall, I love this place, I hope to stay. But who knows if I will one and done AGAIN🀷‍♂️

That's basically it gang, let me know your crazy adventures, I'd love to hear them!