Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Monday, August 2, 2021

Boolin' in Bozeman

What is up fam! This week was  s t e l l a r

I am writing this in our 100⁰ apartment so I hope this all makes sense!

We spent last Pday hiking up a freaking mountain in Big Sky. Definitely worth the sweat and tears. A lil hike called storm castle. There was a cool little arch at the top and a cute little chipmunk who you can tell is VERY dependent on hikers feeding him :( It was all good fun, the smoke in the air probably doinked our lungs but we made it to the top!

We then had a loooong week of FB calls and ad creation, we had a couple of nice visits to try and start teaching some people around here. Went out to Pony MT(the dopest little town ever) and had dinner at the really cool barn down below. Did some service, just usual missionary things.

Other than that, just thriving out here in the promised land! Ate some Alpaca Burgers (they were severely undercooked😳) Used our monthly mileage poorly, and ran a Harry Potter party at the local town library. You know, just Elder Barlow things!!!

"True, those with genuine hope may see their proximate circumstances shaken like a kaleidoscope at times, yet with the “eye of faith” they still see divine design" - Neal A Maxwell

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