Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Monday, June 21, 2021

Quick Shoutout to RedRobin(c)


Temple Service

This past week was pretty awesome! It is all a blur and I can hardly remember exactly what we did, but it was productive and fun!

We brought some brownies to some families to try and start teaching them, and it was a success! We also have done a little bit of service, at the temple and for some friends we have. Nothing like planting squash and tomatoes in your nice proselyting clothes😳 

Elder Johnson made it to Brazil this week, it was sad to see him leave, but he was so excited to go! 

Made a few ads this week (what a boring thing to say) I never thought my mission would be me making and running ads, it's basically running a business. Something I have zero experience in, but something I can do. The best trait I have learned is to "remain teachable" If all goes well these ads should lead to referrals and people to teach throughout the mission! Also have been trying to figure out a bunch of stats and what not mission wide, not my forte, but super fun honestly! I love my job so much!

We have Zone conferences this week, and I'm going to be able to travel with the APs! I'm so excited to finally see some gorgeous parts of the mission! It's crazy seeing President Larson go home, a lot of change is coming soon. Just glad I get to be apart of it all!

Every WML in Wyoming

One of da ads!

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