Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Monday, May 10, 2021

The car is OK👌


What is up gamers! This week has been great! Sit back, and watch the show!

We have been doing a ton of service so far, things are warming up and so peeps need a lot more help! Other than that, just trying to get in the door with some people and trying to help those we do know progress. It ain't easy but it is honest work 

We had Zone council in Lovell this week which was a blast! Got to see some old friends and got uplifted a lil bit! I also found out that next transfer I will be over the ad/data for the whole mission, so that's kinda hype. I'll be getting trained this transfer virtually by the Elder I'm replacing🙌 Not sure how we will fit it into the Greybull schedule, but we will make it work 

Other than that, haven't been up to much. I completely nailed a pheasant on the way to church in Burlington yesterday. Had a conversation about muskrat prices... saw antelope fight on our commute. Did some roadside assistance, just the usual for the Elders in Wyoming😎

Hope you all have a splendid week! 

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