Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Monday, November 2, 2020

10 Months...Technically


Before I get into anything that happened this week, I want to make it know that it is my mother, Dona E Barlow, BIRTHDAY TODAY! Make sure ya'll send her a nice message! I'm counting on it! 

Call or Text: 801-319-0635
FB: Dona Barlow
(You can find her at UVU 9-5, and then at home from 5-10 playing Call of Duty on MY Xbox)

So this week has been, well, BUSY. I have not had time to even think about thinking, I think. We started off this week with Zone Conference, and since every missionary ever hypes up zone conference in their emails, I won't talk about it too much. It was awesome to hear President and Sister Larsen talk about putting Gods will first! That is all we have to do in this life! It is really that simple! Need I say more? Zone conference also brought a nice little "detour" to Winco, which is the celestial kingdom of grocery chains for missionaries here. So that was the cherry on top to a very great day. 

Other than that, we have just been planning planning planning. I feel like an office worker honestly. I find my days spent in google sheets, adobe premier, and drive. I have made an entire area book for Billings. My countenance shines "logistics" wherever I go. I have a snazzy pair of wireframe glasses, that make me look smart, but I still have no idea what I am doing. We have had literally ZERO spare time, so many lessons, meetings, planning, planning, planning, and more planning. I'm alive still! So that is what counts! If ya couldn't tell, I am busy!

Haven't really had time to do any crazy shenanigans or get in trouble this week sadly. Idk, I ate some straight white trash shepherds pie(hope that aint too rude lol) It definitely shook my testimony, just was not good. Love that member family, they're just talented in other ways. My Duolingo broke, so what little Spanish I had is going straight down the drain. Oh yea, it was Halloween, which is technically my 10 month mark since leaving for Mexico...totally forget, kinda was just a normal day. Maybe I am a buzzkill but, going door to door for candy is childish and primitive. We do it for a more dignified and eternal purpose lol. It actually warmed up here! Finna be 50-60⁰s this week! Then it is going to snow and drop down to single digits again. But until then, we might see our old pal Todd da squirrel again before the next Ice age, wear something other than muck boots, and maybe open a window in our apartment! Hope ya'll have a great week! Message Dona! 

Quotes of da week:

Dem leaves!
Is that a pigeotto? 
I never wanna have a Wednesday again...
Lets get this in our tummies ASAP

Some more sunset pics(guess which one is from our local lake crispy) 

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