Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Monday, September 14, 2020

The Battle of Lazy Landlords


Commemorating Elder Wells first time seeing a moose
(he hasn't seen one yet, this photo is the closest he's gotten so far)

My goodness gracious what a week it has been! Business business business! The start of the week was great, we decided to do a "little" spring cleaning when it came to our Area Book(where our info for members and non members lies) just strait up calling as many people as we can, seeing if they're still interested in meeting us, and setting up appointments. And we got some great responses from some non members! And a lot of meetings with members! So we will be super busy for a hot minute. Starting to have our first meetings with members in person which is super dope! Miles better than meeting over zoom! We even got one of our investigators invited to church! So hopefully that goes well!

Of course we had our weekly service, helping  out nonmembers as much as we can. Doing more and more free yardwork. We spent a few hours on Saturday laying down sod, which was quite fun honestly. Had to move a freezer for one of our nonmember friends and got some free elk meat, and put in some good hours at the community center again! Some days ya don't feel like a missionary in Montana, but a child during the industrial revolution pre child labor laws... Nevertheless, after all the hard work, ya get quite a few connections and good times from it, so most definitely worth it!

We called our landlord about the whole wasp situation, and well they came by and attempted the feat. By the end of the day they killed 20 wasps, tops. I guess they just didn't see the nest, even though it's massive. You could launch it to outer space and NASA would probably classify it as a planet. But anyways, we will just have to do battle ourselves. Wish us luck! Other than that, Not much has really happened, we've learned that our squirrel friend Todd falls asleep pretty easily to classical music, kinda a sucker for some smooth Beethoven. And we've learned that a golf club + wool sock makes a pretty decent broom. But other than that we really havent done anything other than work, you're hard pressed to find fun in these parts(as a missionary) so we gotta improvise! So life is good! We are now down a wool sock however, and it is getting colder...we are barely surviving out here in the wilderness already, doubt we will make it past winter, if the pneumonia doesn't get us, the lack of parks and hikes will. Wish us luck! Until next time!

Photo (y'all are gonna have to deal, just one this week)

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