Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Monday, April 26, 2021

Powell Paradise

YO YO what's good cowboys!!! This week has been amazin! We've got highway cleanup, Barbeques, and SnOw???

This week has been great! It is our last week of the transfer so we get news tonight🤫 We have had a few lessons and visits, which is always nice as a missionary. Quite a bit of service as well! Just the same as always...

We did however have exchanges with THE Elder Turley! I got to go up to Powell and experience stoplights and the YSA. It was a blast! We did some highway cleanup and met with a few peeps. We ended up driving back to Burlington (in their dope missionary minivan) and halfway there we realized that we were almost outta gas😬 This is a big no no in Wyoming as everything is 30 min away. Burlington doesn't really have a gas station, and we didn't have the distance, so we turned around and made it back to Powell with a mile or 2 left...

It is barbeque season out here in Wyoming, we went to 2 on Saturday and met with a few peeps, it was good! The food was questionable, but we ain't dead yet so we good. It did snow the day before tho, Wyoming is really weird like that. It will be 30⁰ one day and 70⁰ the next🤷‍♂️

Other than that, just good times out in Wyoming! Peep the FB for any transfer news👀

Monday, April 19, 2021

Shell is my happy place


What is up my guys! This week has been pretty good! It was a long one, but a good one👍

So this week, the highlight was definitely visiting Shell Wyoming for the first time. It is a little town of less than 100, and it sits in the foothills of the bighorn mountain range. It is beautiful! We got to meet a couple people out that way and they were awesome! We are now welcome back to fish their creeks or ride their mules at any time. Definitely a place on the list to visit.

We also had zone conference in Billings! It was awesome to hear some great messages and see some old friends. 
The temple and Winco is a must. Definitely a lot of driving but definitely worth it😅 

We also just have done a lot of service this week, tried to visit as many people as we can. Still doing mad brownie runs. Just the usual. Had a lot of things fall through which was a bummer, but we gotta worry about what we can control right?

Anyways, it has been a stellar week! Hope you all are doin splendid and loving life wherever you are at! 

Cheers! 💛

Monday, April 12, 2021

Wildin in Wyo


What's up chillers! This week has been pretty lity ngl, stay tuned for zone council, the return of volleyball, and some high stakes gambling!👀🍻

When it comes to the actual work, Elder Segler and I have been able to find some good success! We have been able to meet quite a few people and share the gospel with them. Just growing our teaching pool still and trying to help peeps progress down the covenant path. We are set to make some solid progress this week and maybe teach a handful of Spanish families!

We were able to have zone council with our zone on Tuesday! It was a party to go up to Lovell and see some old friends. We also got to have a district P day in Worland where we had a throwback to my MTC days(only real ones know), volleyball! It was a party and it was good for my soul to spend some time with other missionaries😂 I gotta get away from all of these ranchers.

We brought a family who used to be taught, some brownies, and they invited us into their home. It turns out the family (they had no background info in our records) was a bunch of old Korean women, and they were playing a Korean version of poker. It was very intense. They all had their coin purses out, lots of words were said (in Korean of course), this was high stakes. We didn't play naturally😅 but it was a good bonding moment, now we are going to rake some leaves for them👍

If you told me last year when I was in Mexico, that my mission would find me watching a bunch of Asian grandmas compete in a not so friendly game of poker, in the middle of Basin Wyoming, I would not have believed you...

We also were able to find one of our investigators we had been trying to contact, stuck on the side of the road in a really deep rut. We couldn't help him out, but we did get a return appointment!(He couldn't escape from us this time)🤯🎉

Anyways, that's kinda it this week. We got zone conference this week! Big tingz to come! 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Monday, April 5, 2021

Land of much nothing

Yo what is up peeps! This week has been kinda boring ngl, you all get a bye week when it comes to reading these things lol

We just had a lot of cancellations this week again(I feel like the 450 priests of Baal, iykyk) We still were able to see some success and get into the door with some people, but not as much as we could be. A glass ceiling of sorts. Lots of farm work and driving still🤷‍♂️ Wyoming is pretty mundane at times...

I did have a great time at conference, got to watch it with some really dope members. There were so many wonderful messages I don't even want to touch in an email. It wouldn't do them justice. Watch, listen, or read the prophetic council we were given over and over again. Truly remarkable stuff.

But yeah, that was this week! Nothing to crazy ova here, but a bunch of stuff coming up in the future, big things to come!

*peep the special Easter meal-Pronghorn Quesadillas*

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Looking upon the past, with todays lense

Frequently, I put myself back into significant turning points. Putting on figurative glasses that display a retrospective view. I'm positive many of you do the same. It truly is a sobering reflection. There is much to gain from a careful study of our personal, decisive events. Whether they be joyous, or excruciating. This is what I would like to draw attention to. Looking upon the past, with todays lense.
What I would give to go back to those transformative nights! Gazing at vast galaxys with heavy eyes. Serenaded by faint strumming, while breathing air rich in smoke and endearing friendship. Life spent oblivious to the idea that the joyous and simple present, passes by far too quickly.
Serenity taken for granted.
What I would give to have those small, but significant moments again. Episodes where a decision or choice, could change someones eternal sojourn, even my own. The comfort zone can be a literal prison. If only I had enough wisdom and insight to take challenges and difficulty as a means to obtain more, not less. A charge to overcome and overachieve, not subdue and surrender. Paths visibly leading to distant horizons, that I would choose, not to travel. Leaving my soul to shake with sorrow and regret. The analysis of missed potential, is a painful examination.
Growth taken for granted.
However, I want to draw attention to a time far more influential. A time that we are often far too forgetful about. A time that we unconsciously "take for granted". A time, that very few can put on those "retrospective glasses" and view plainly. That "time" I speak of, is our divine beginnings.
Our individual story is more ancient than it appears on the surface level. "...Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High" (Psalms 82:6) Our current mortal comparisons, are nothing more than an echo of our transcendent origin and therefor potential. Nothing is more moving and stirring than this pure knowledge! We are the literal Sons and Daughters of God. Not just insignificant individuals during a inconsequential time. We were something! We are something! And remarkably, we can become something!
But, we forget this all too often...
Life, by design, puts us in some severe low valleys. We all have personal obstacles to overcome, and trials to endure. Especially in times such as these. There is such a prevailing darkness, followed shortly by overwhelming distress. However, we have no room to panic. We know where we came from, and where we are going. Simply even, why these things must be. So when the yoke seems too much to carry; remember, "...know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good." (D&C 122:7)
Let us not forget to periodically "glimpse" at our heavenly origin, who we belong to, and why we yet are still here. Powerfully, this is often all we need to keep moving forward.
Our excellence existed in the eternities before
To guide us during our expedition in the present
Preparatory to our exaltation in the eternities hereafter