Elder Jackson Barlow

Elder Jackson Barlow
México Ciudad Juárez Mission

Monday, February 22, 2021

Baptism Szn!😇


What is up everyone! This week has been absolutely fire!!!

Big news first, Andy's baptism was so DOPE! It was awesome to be apart of it. It was such a sweet experience, one that I will never forget. This week was also just super busy with the work. Yesterday we were out of the apartment from 8 to 8, meetings, 3 sacraments, lessons, it was a party! We have been able to meet a bunch of promising people and just get to work out here in the Greybull mission. Lots of service and lessons. Covering just over 1000 members keeps us busy that's for sure! We honestly haven't even had time to touch Facebook yet (can't complain)

That has been most of our time. Just a bunch of random, out of context things. Almost hit a massive owl going 70 at night. Talked to a store owner about how China owns all of the national parks for like 15 minutes. Tried "Da Bomb" hot sauce. Was gifted 40 pounds of potatoes. Went to a basketball game to support a non-member. Just the usual fun, missionary life! It has warmed up to the 30's so catch Elder Lee and I tanning it up out here in good ole Wyomin'!!!

Have a great week! Love yall!

Monday, February 15, 2021

Summer is Here!


What is up my people! This week has been flipping fantastic! A lot has happened so pay close attention!!!👀

First things first! Our friend Andy is on date! We met with her last week, and she has been investigating the church for over 30 years! She finally felt ready and informed and her baptism is this Saturday! Woot woot! Her and her husband are so cool and down to earth! We also have just had a TON of lessons and opportunities to share the gospel. The Greybull mission is popping off. With 5 wards we are super busy. We left for church at 8 yesterday and didn't get home till 7. 2 sacrament meetings, 5 Missionary meetings, 2 dinners, and 1 non member lesson. We be stayin busy😤(that's just Sunday btw)

It is absolutely freezing here in Cattle Country. Can't really be outside for more than a couple minutes unless you have many layers. Your nose and eyes start to freeze after a while. All the snow makes it alot easier to spot deer and eagles. Can't help but feel bad for all da cows🥶 It feels like I am in an episode of Ice road truckers every day. Luckily our chevy equinox has 4 wheel drive so Elder Lee and I are still boolin'😎

The people out here in Wyoming are so fun. Saw a guy at sacrament meeting with an actual hook for a hand. Most people don't even own a mask. If you can hold a conversation about Angus cows, you will fit right in. Being on a mission here is lit. The people are just so awesome and homely. Elder Barlow is having the time of his life!!!

That's pretty much it. Just a bunch of photos to convey how cold it is... Hope yall have a stellar week! Love you all!!!

Monday, February 8, 2021

The Greybull Super Mission

What is up crafters! Big week full of big news! Finally something interesting has happened so stay tuned lol 

Yes, the rumors are true, I have been transferred to the promised land. I am now serving in the "Greybull mission" as I like to call it. I now cover Greybull, Basin, Otto, and 2 wards in Burlington, Wyoming. Just me and my new companion, Elder Lee. All of these areas just got combined. Most missionaries(at least in this mission) cover one ward, maybe with a branch on top of that. But for us, president decided to throw 5 whole wards at us🤷‍♂️

Meaning sadly, I am out of Billings, I had to say goodbye to my good friends up there. I'm pretty emo because I won't be able to attend my friend Jens baptism (in person at least) and I had to say goodbye to all the amazing ward members in Echo canyon. I was only there for one short, but sweet transfer. Going from the thriving metropolis that is Billings, to the emptyness that is the Bighorn Basin has been quite the change.

But this area is lit, there are so many great members and a lot of work to be done. It is absolutely freezing here (low is -17 next week🤯). Everyone is a rancher, and we have 1 stoplight! I am basically serving on the moon. I did get one last Bdubz run in with Elder Hobbs and Shipman, accidentally ran over a skunk, and it is finally snowing! Eureka!!!

-"that is an animal cracker, on a flipping cookie!!!"
-"He's a ketchup maniac!"
-"try to mourn better next time"
-"I can't forget about those wings I can't proselyte anymore"
-"Freak, I love hay"

Monday, February 1, 2021

Choo Choo Lets Go


What is up gamers! This week has been dope sauce! Big tingz to come!

Well first things first, our friend Jen is on date to be baptized!!! She had been taught by missionaries before, but lost contact. Met her and put her on date on the same day. We taught her all the lessons again and prepared her. Not sure when the baptism is actually, due to schedules, but sometime soon in the future! Hopefully I will still be around for it! 

Other than that, just had some dope member lessons! Went on a "double date" with some retired ladies in the ward lol. Went to olive garden, talked about Legos and baby Yoda, it was a good time. 

Other than that, just chillin out here in Billings. Had a lit exchange with da old comp Elder Hobbs! Found a dead mouse in the relief society room at district council. Partied at Cafe Rio. Got our first snow since OCTOBER. and we are getting transfer news tonight so... Hopefully I am staying!🤞
That's kinda all folks. I hope yall have a gucci week!!!

-"Your the swaggiest gringo around"
-"I'm gonna get a tummy ache from all of these gummysharks"
-"whispers is spreading covid"
-"what do you mean I am in India!"
-"join the wiper fluid bottle gang"
-"choo choo lets go"
-"my phone is winking!"
-"thats not very ebinder of you"