What is up everyone! This week has been absolutely fire!!!
Big news first, Andy's baptism was so DOPE! It was awesome to be apart of it. It was such a sweet experience, one that I will never forget. This week was also just super busy with the work. Yesterday we were out of the apartment from 8 to 8, meetings, 3 sacraments, lessons, it was a party! We have been able to meet a bunch of promising people and just get to work out here in the Greybull mission. Lots of service and lessons. Covering just over 1000 members keeps us busy that's for sure! We honestly haven't even had time to touch Facebook yet (can't complain)
That has been most of our time. Just a bunch of random, out of context things. Almost hit a massive owl going 70 at night. Talked to a store owner about how China owns all of the national parks for like 15 minutes. Tried "Da Bomb" hot sauce. Was gifted 40 pounds of potatoes. Went to a basketball game to support a non-member. Just the usual fun, missionary life! It has warmed up to the 30's so catch Elder Lee and I tanning it up out here in good ole Wyomin'!!!
Have a great week! Love yall!